Hi Brett! Really loved your layout. Also proof that pictures are worth a thousand words.

Certainly I won't call anyone on this thread a failed designer, either.
AFAIK we are all fellow designers, no critics are lurking ... right?


Santiago Bustelo // icograma
Buenos Aires, Argentina

On 19/09/2008, at 18:42, Brett Lutchman wrote:

Guys I really hope your getting this because I have already tried to send it out twice. I'm sending this out again.

Hi guys, just getting back to this now, my messages have been captured by the Moderator and I'm only learning this style of communication now. Sorry for that. Nice diagrams Bryan. I can see why it's so important to view illustrations because the example that you illustrated was nothing like how I pictured it. I can totally understand the need to see it so everyone has an exact reference point. The example you give of the Next on the left was not what I had in mind at all. (especially when no arrow was not added to it and it's purposely bunched together with the other buttons to make it look confusing and there's absolutely no distinction between the buttons like there is when your example of the Next is on the right-side).
The dimensions were way off from what I was picturing.
I mocked up how I have always done mine and what I was picturing in my mind. I used your example Bryan to show the example I was talking about earlier in the week (I hope you don't mind). Here is what I have always been doing. Am I really wrong for doing this? I just don't see it. My users fly forward with the process and it has been reported that they were able to finish so fast that they had an extra 5 minutes for lunch.

I don't think that I would call anyone on this thread who has only talked about this topic a failed designer.

http://flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2871312900/sizes/o/

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