On Sep 18, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Brett Lutchman wrote:

*Todd*, if any credit is lost it would have to be my users and I would never put the blame on them. Attacking someone's credit is a low-political blow when people don't want to debate any more and are looking for a way to be right. Many revolutionist appear to have low-credit because they believe in their agenda. I don't have to Google you, don't be insecure. I have many IA friends who are experts and wont appear in Google.


Perhaps you missed the point. When contradicting decades of research and traction, if you want to be taken seriously and credible, you're going to need to provide more evidence then "because I said so," or "because of a test I ran." A real researcher will question the testing and analysis of the results. It's in our nature.

Being a researcher, you learn quickly that the data doesn't lie, but the interpreter of the data can make it say anything they want.

I don't know that I would equate the previous/next argument to revolutionist theory, but...

My comment about credibility was targeted at your argument, not you personally. Subtle, but important difference. One of the things that might help you in the future is keep in mind that in a scientific- based field, when presenting something that goes against the grain of decades of research, you're going to need to do better than just saying you tested it.

Tested it how? With how many people? What's the whole story? What's the context?

If you think that the entire field should just accept what you say without answering these questions, then you'll be disappointed.

As for the idea that I was attempting a low-political blow because I don't want to debate the issue any more, well you couldn't be more mistaken. Clearly you don't know me very well. I'm always up for a good debate, for better or for worse. But I expect the person I'm debating to come with evidence to support their claim, which is what I was asking you to provide.

PS. As for the googling me comment, it has nothing to do with insecurity. It's not some deep psychological game. To quote Freud "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Rather than take up public space with my background and experience, I was simply letting you know if you wanted to know more about me it wouldn't be too hard to find.


Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
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