Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 6:30pm
Adobe Systems
601 Townsend Street
San Francisco, California 93103

Please note: you MUST RSVP on our Google form so that Adobe Security has information for attendees.


A hospital orderly walks 17 miles in the course of their workday. A city neighborhood houses multiple churches, but no place for Sunday brunch. Both scenarios present challenges that are emotional, functional and familiar. How do these challenges– the navigation of a hospital and the life of a city neighborhood - provide opportunities to design a better experience and shift the meaning of a place?

This event explores a human-centered approach to designing physical spaces, and the ways in which an environment passively or actively guides movement and punctuates it with memorable moments. Two complementary speakers will explore an interaction design approach to studying and designing the built environment.

Designing for Moments
Bryan Walker of Ideo’s Smart Space practice will talk about the human scale, using examples from hospitality and retail to show how an environment can create a moment with meaning and resonance.

Systems Thinking
Emily Golembiewski of HOK Architecture and Engineering’s Advance Strategies consulting group will talk about buildings as a system with its own language and grammar to guide navigation and flow. Examples from healthcare and workplace will illustrate how the building can guide users to the moments in Bryan’s talk.

Together, these talks illustrate a model of orchestrated navigation punctuated by moments that matter. The model is directly applicable to interaction design. After the talks, there will be a discussion about the exchange between built environment and virtual environments – from diagnostics to design, including influencing factors and stark differences.

6:30 pm – Socializing with light refreshments and Hiring Salon (employers/recruiters, bring job descriptions to share)

7:00 pm – Presentation

This event is FREE and open to the public.

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