There is a difference between sites that are Social Media Sites, and those
that are Social Networking sites, although some do both. To the degree that
a site encourages basic user generated content, but little else (ratings,
comments, discussions, blog posts, images, video) as opposed to a Social
Networking (connecting, friending, messaging) -- Some sites do some mix of
networking and user generated content - some more than others - some blogs
are really neither. If you can't comment on a post, rate a post, etc - than
although it is user generated content - it's not social, for instance Seth
Godin's personal blog is neither networking nor media because their are no
mechanisms for connection of communication.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 11:15 AM, David Malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think we are defining social networks different. Not everything that is
> social is a social network, IMHO.
> I don't see really any networking going on in Amazon, or in no way that is
> really connected. I don't create friends, I can't even say I want to buy
> everything this review buys. I can't make that reviewer a favorite or
> anything like that. Sure PEOPLE are engaged, but the network is not, IMHO.
> I don't use eBay enough to really know what is going on there, but it does
> seem again, that it is social, but not networked, IMHO.
> As for the "experiment" I was wondering, what features are valuable to the
> END USER, not the business. Often there can be a conflict between the 2.
> Adding monetization could be detrimental to the end-user experience, but
> then again, w/o it the service won't live long, now will it. But just as
> people pretty easily have moved from one IM client to another, and from AOL
> to MySpace to Facebook and so on and so forth, the end user is a lot more
> flexible than the business.
> Your focus on the business is GREAT and as designers interested in
> "stakeholder centered design" it has to be considered.
> -- dave
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Jared Spool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Sep 22, 2008, at 5:34 AM, David Malouf wrote:
> >
> >  But Jared, those are businesses that have ADDED social networking
> >> (especially the Amazon case) as a means of adding value to their core
> >> commerce business.
> >>
> >
> > I don't know what "added" means. eBay, from day 1, had their community
> and
> > reputation management system. Amazon, from day 1, had their reviews and
> > ratings. Both of these are core social networking features, albeit
> different
> > than the Can-I-Facebook-You? pickup-line approach.
> >
> > So, your complaint about my bringing up eBay and Amazon is that they
> > started with a viable business model instead of praying one appears to
> them
> > in a burning bush before the investor money runs out? I guess I'm just
> > lacking the faith that FB's mgmt has.
> >
> >  But to be honest, as an end user, if FB can last 10 years w/o a
> >> viable business model. I could care less. In 10 years something else
> >> will get my attention and so long as I can keep using FB the way I
> >> have for free, it serves my needs quite well.
> >>
> >
> > So, is that it? FB is just a decade-long experiment to disprove the
> Dunbar
> > number theory? Once it's outlived its usefulness, we just let it plummet
> > back into the atmosphere and burn?
> >
> > I wonder if anyone has let the investors in on the nature of this
> > experiment.
> >
> > :)
> >
> > Jared
> >
> >
> --
> David Malouf
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~ will

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