[Death Kitten 2000: How many points are those damn kitties worth?]

I think it is a continuum and focus question. I have NEVER used any
of the networking features of Amazon or Netflix. The site's value
has very little to do with those features. For people who dig them
great! Makes a lot of sense.

Now I do know people who go to Facebook to play Risk and Scrabble and
little else so you could say that FB is just like Amazon and Netflix,
but really that would be killing kittens at an extreme.

I would say that the core use of one is different than the core use
of the other. I'm never going to go to Amazon for the purpose of
Ambient Intimacy either as a contributor or consumer, so calling it a
social networking site to me feel disingenuous and is really like
Palin saying she didn't REALLY support the bridge to nowhere. THAT
is killing WAY too many kittens.

I think you know there is a difference between FB and Amazon when it
comes to its focus on the social and more specifically the social
network itself.

Now Chris, I think unfortunately all forms of public space have costs
attached to them. Some come from the public sphere through taxes and
policy-decisions that allow their support, others through tax
abatement like the creation of corporate public spaces among the
skyscrapers in Manhattan and the funding (self-imposed taxes) of BIDs
all over the city. They are envalued as someone already pointed out.

Now the question is, can we create virtual spaces equivalent to these
public works (corp or public sponsored) and if so what are the
mechanisms for doing so? Is this akin to a corporation supporting an
OSS project?

-- dave

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