Hi Jamie:

Very cool!

One place to start -- Selling UX -

About 10 years back when I worked at a Telco in Australia we would
run Usability training to internal project teams. Suggest having a
regular training mixed in with bringing some design problems to the
table to work on together can work to good effect.

This is also a good read -- "Connecting Cultures, Changing
Organizations: The User Experience Practitioner As Change Agent" -

Suggest you may also want to find some projects that can demonstrate
some quick wins of whatever process you setup.

Also like what Scott says here : "Show a photo of an ipod or a
porsche with the tagline "want your project to look and feel like
this? Call us." will go much further than yet another UCD diagram,
which mostly makes people's eyes glaze over."

Avoid our industry jargon :)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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