I'll take a different twist and say that different countries will
foster strong design niches based on (a) the strongest local
industries located there, and (b) the opportunities available for the

An example: Brazil has (instead of Desktop Interface design) very
strong web design since there are a huge chunk of population
"shares" communal desktop computers (schools, universities, work,
etc...), so there are more local business going on for web-based

I would imagine that countries like India and Japan would have lots
of room (I would guess) for designing mobile phone applications,
since mobile are overwhelmingly more popular than computers.

When it comes to opportunities, designers in countries like China and
Brazil have -- through outsourcing companies -- shots on working of
various specific niches, like Game Design, for example.

{ Itamar Medeiros } Information Designer
 designing clear, understandable communication by
 carefully structuring, contextualizing, and presenting
 data and information

 mobile   :::  86 13671503252
 website  ::: http://designative.info/
 aim      ::: itamarlmedeiros
 skype    ::: designative

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