On Jan 20, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Ben Vaughan wrote:

However, I must respectfully disagree that the only way to benefit
from a program is by personally attending.

Based on what exactly? Is there anyone on the list who has attended design school who thinks it can be taught remotely? If so, that's an opinion I've yet to hear.

Further, as the sole
support of my family with a wife still recovering from the West Nile
virus, to leave a well paying, relatively secure  job in this economy
to attend a program full time without any sort of viable income is not
just a sacrifice, it's well nigh insane.

Then perhaps a degree in IxD isn't your path. There are others.

Or you wait until your circumstances change.

Further, I would ask what
about those people overseas wishing to enter the world of IxD.  Remote
learning is perhaps the only option for them.  In my opinion, for
those whose circumstances don't allow them to 'feel free to move about
the country', remote learning, while not the best choice, is still a

You cannot remotely learn interaction design at a university level. It's not a good choice. The quality of the education you will get will not be good, and the importance of a degree is measured not only in what you directly learn, but the opportunities it opens up for you. A poor program will not only waste your time and money, but won't have an effective network to help you find jobs later. The degree will be nearly worthless.

While I respect your opinion, I have to say that I reacted most
strongly to your sweeping characterization that the only way to find
success was the way you did.  Perhaps that's not what you intended.

I've never said graduate school was the only way to success. There are successful people on this list who never finished high school, much less grad school. But if you want to attend grad school in interaction design, my opinion is the only way to do it is in-person, on-site. The curriculum cannot be effectively taught remotely.

Channeling Simon Cowell,


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