On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Jeff Noyes <jeff.no...@acquia.com> wrote:

> I totally agree.  I'm shocked at where this post went.
> The fact of the matter is you, my fellow designer, are my target audience
> (so long as you have CMS experience).  As an experience designer, I not only
> want to talk to you, I want your advice on how you could improve my work.
>  If this is wrong, I question the integrity of this forum.
> I don't however think it is wrong.  And the response rate I received also
> suggests it is not wrong.  Thank you for those that signed up.  You'll be
> hearing from me in the not-so-distant future.
> Jeff

what I found odd was that you were asking for advice and asking people to
pre-qualify with the survey - not that you were asking for help, but that
you wanted to check people out prior to accepting their help. When I asked,
you confirmed that you did want to pre-qualify people.

I spend most of my off-work time helping people, and I am no stranger to
being asked to help, or offering to do so. This doesn't make me fit to offer
you advice in this particular field - but I've never asked anyone to
pre-qualify prior to hearing what they have to say, and I've never been
asked to prove myself through survey prior to offering advice. People know
me or they don't, and if they don't, they may take whatever I say with a
grain of salt, and I'm not offended.

Perhaps it is a cultural thing, but the inference created by
pre-qualification was that the average reader of this list was not fit to
offer you advice. Which may or may not be correct depending on the source,
but it does seem a little tactless to mention it. That was the beginning and
the end of the discomfort I felt at your request. I wish you all the very
best with this process, and trust you will understand that I do not wish to
have anything to do with it myself, regardless of any CMS experience that I
may have had.

Best regards, Andrew

Andrew Boyd
http://uxbookclub.org -- connect, read, discuss
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