We have a lot of terms and concepts that fit this description.
We've not formally compiled them (just something we don't have time
to do in the manner it would require).  They serve to label concepts
and patterns associated with hierarchical and interrelational
structure, navigational behaviors, states or situations that should
be avoided (in general), and many more.  Because we're always using
these in context of examples (perhaps numerous examples), they're
easier to grasp.

I would be very interested to hear your examples.

Dear Jim,

Very briefly (it seems to be high time to wrap up this thread):

The examples I was mentioning are academic papers, where I try to articulate qualitites of interaction experience that seem particularly important for a certain design genre.

One is about the quality of "pliability" which I find important for designing good interactive visualizations.

Löwgren, J. (2007). Pliability as an experiential quality: Exploring the aesthetics of interaction design. Artifact 1(2):85–95. Prepublication version available at http://webzone.k3.mah.se/k3jolo/ Material/pliabilityFinalPre.pdf

Another is about "fluency" and design of augmented spaces, where interaction involves multiple media streams over extended periods of time.

Löwgren, J. (2007). Fluency as an experiential quality in augmented spaces. Int. J. Design 1(3):1–10.
Available online via Archives at www.ijdesign.org.

I wouldn't expect them to be immediately useful in your work, but perhaps they provide a little more insight into what I mean when I talk about articulation of professional judgment skills. (And the kind of material and thinking I use for teaching.)

Best regards,
Jonas Löwgren
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