Hi Petra,
Given your college's emphasis on IT, digital media and design, Interaction
Design certainly looks like it would make a good fit.

I'm currently studying IxD at undergraduate level with the Open University (
http://www3.open.ac.uk/courses/bin/p12.dll?C01M364) so am not qualified to
discuss it as a practitioner, but do have a perspective on it as a
undergraduate-level student (albeit one with two decades of software
development and technical communications behind me).

The OU doesn't offer an entire first degree in IxD in the way you propose,
but includes my current course as an optional or required component in a
number of degrees, such as "Computing and Design".

It appears that most other IxD courses are at Masters level, so you might
want to consider that as a product option.

Finally, I have to say that your image of IxD as "liaison" triggered in me
an emotion that I can only say I last felt when, training for a marathon, I
was asked how my "jogging" was going. You clearly need to be indoctrinated!
Ask yourself, what are the most and least effective roughly equivalent
software programs that you use (eg GMail v. intranet messaging)? What are
the most pleasing and most frustrating roughly equivalent interactive
hardware products that you've used (eg iPod v. VCR)? What is the difference?
If I came to your college and asked how to become (or to find) the next
Jonathan Ives (chief product designer at Apple), which course could you

Best of luck,

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