I'm thinking about leading some discussions to help my team and
company generate ideas about what sort of experience we want our
users to have when they interact with a new version of our software.

Have you ever participated in, or led, an activity that you found
really helpful in generating these ideas?  I anticipate a group of
5-7 people working together for about 1 week to do this; I've got a
number of ideas already, but I am searching for more.

My ideas, still in an toddler stage, are:

1) Come up with two companies, similar to each other but different
from us.  What attributes do they have in common, and how are they

2) "Promise, Symbol, Proof" - For ten (or so) companies, come up
with what they're promising their customers, the mark that
symbolizes the promise, and the proof that shows they're meeting
their promise.

3) "What are we? and the rule of opposites" - Come up with
attributes that describe our product and our users' experience with
it.  What are the opposites of those attributes, and what would
things be like if we switched to the opposite?

4) "Weird What-ifs" - Fill in the following sentence "What if we
were __________?" and then answer it.  For instance, "What if we
were a religion?

I would love to hear what other types of activities you have found

(By the way, I haven't called this "brainstorming" because I
don't want to limit the responses.)
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