How synchronous, I was just about to comment on how I am attempting to
convert my bathroom hallway in to a recording area. I noticed when I shut
both entryway doors it is pitch black in there. So, I decided to get some
lights, some sound sensor lights ( totally off subject, any recommendations
would be great this has been added to my list of ungooglables). Anyways, so
far I have a metronome that blinks and when I went to the cyclers store to
pick up some blinking safety lights that have different modes; but, they
were closed. So, I went to the borders next door and bought a book and some
moleskine (graph [I wish I could customize the grid size and have the paper
be black rather than white, I have contacted them about this] ). I bought
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning 'Refactor Your Wetware'. the selling point
was this list of biases that triggered IxD in my wetware:Meet your
cognitive biases
Fundamental Attribution Error
Self-serving bias
Need for closure
Confirmation bias
Exposure effect
Hawthorne effect
False memory
Symbolic reduction fallacy
Nominal fallacy

But, that is all besides the point. The book I bought is only one of a few I
thumbed threw. I picked up one that was called the 'Art of Deception' and it
was all about Social Engineering. It must have been misplaced because it was
in a strange section.

I think the role is blossoming out of necessity. I also think that it is
still lacking in consistency and it is hit or miss approach, meaning...I am
working on 4 projects at the moment that desperately need an interaction
designer; but, the deadlines and my personal experience tell me it is a
gamble of if it would be more of an asset or a handicap. I fill the
void satisfactory (says me); but, it would be nice to not get a tangled mess
and ludicrous deadline passed along every once in awhile.
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