
The "About Interaction Design" page you and Adam pointed to
( was a primary direct
reference in researching last Monday's article, and the "defining
complex dialogues" quote comes from its first paragraph, which I
quoted in its entirety (though I should probably add a link to clear
up any confusion). My assumption was that this constituted a current
consensus on the profession's definition, though if there's another
description that's more up-to-date, please let me know.

The response you left last night over on Creative Seeds makes an
excellent point about the nature of these definitions, and I thank
you for elaborating on the difficulties of generating them. The
observation that the web has increased in complexity to the point
where we need people working full-time on a very abstract level just
to make sense of it is an illuminating one, and does a lot to
distinguish the profession from other disciplines.

Andy's response has been particularly helpful, and suggests that
getting more responses from more Interaction Designers to those two
questions -- 

"What do Interaction Designers do that nobody else does?" 


"What don't Interaction Designers do, that other designers do?" 

-- could be an effective strategy for de-mystifying the field to the
larger design community. 

It might even be more effective to take these questions into the
second person: "What do YOU do that other (non-IxD) designers
don't?" etc.

If anyone else cares to offer their own answers, I'd be grateful.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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