This quickly becomes an issue of semantics, and I feel we're arguing for the sake of hitting keys on a keyboard at this point.

If ixd is the shaping of all actions pertaining to a digital artifact or process, the discussion about Fever must focus on the ways and means by which a customer can acquire knowledge to inform a decision in purchasing the software. It is clear through this discussion that many feel software evaluation is a minimum requirement for acquiring that knowledge. Since it is not afforded in the system selling the software, regardless of business objective, I believe the discussion is at home here...

On Jun 18, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Vishal Iyer wrote:

I think Jared Spool's talk on the Amazon is a perfect example. The fact
that Amazon is able to turn inventory 25 days > faster than it's credit
line, floating cash, making interest instead of paying interest is by
Design. It's not an accident. It's > by Design. They've designed their
business model that way.

This is a perfect example. Sure this is designed, but by business
professionals. Just like engineers design trusses for bridges. This has nothing to do with IxD or <Insert favorite UX acronym here> Design. And again, I'm not saying that we have no input in business modelling. We should influence it, but the final solution & accountability rests with business

Todd, do you then agree that anyone can (UX) Design?
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