We're about ten hours into our 96-hour support drive. We've raised $2839.00
and had 150 people contribute so far --  Thank you! We're close to 10% of
our goal.


I'd like to share with you what some people are saying when they contribute,
as these sentiments should serve as fuel for all of you who devote so much
of your time and energy to your IxDA community.

Thank you so much for all your hard work - the IxDA has been so instrumental
> in my career and educational development... I just wish I could donate more!

> It's unusual for me NOT to learn something new each time I come to this
> board. Thanks for providing this service!

Happy to chip in to support IXDA -it is an amazing resource for anyone
> interested in interaction design

Being in the IxDA and going to the conferences has been invaluable to me.
> I'm happy to give back!

And one of my favorites (and par for this community)

This should add up quickly... there are plenty of us. As an IxDA person I'd
> love to see a graph of contributions over time. ;-)

You have until Monday, 5pm GMT to be eligible for the first complimentary
Interaction'10 registration!  Spread the word!

Twitter:  http://bit.ly/16kJBc


Janna DeVylder
President, IxDA
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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