OK, first: deep breath. You sound thoughtful and competent, and I'm sure
the standard is coming along well.

You mention that the project goes live in a few months, and that you
wonder whether it will help other groups. To me, the sensible route
would be to pause what you're doing and ask your audience. Ask the folks
who will be using this standard whether it contains the details they
need, and what changes they would recommend between now and go-live. If
there's a small project just getting underway, perhaps you can apply the
new standards to that project to see where the gaps are.

Depending on what technology your development team uses, you may also
find that they can implement templates or master pages that encapsulate
many of the new UI standards. This might be a practical, good use of
time for you to help with, so that the UI Standards release isn't simply
a "thunk" of a new document, but is also a toolkit that folks can put to

  Sarah Kampman
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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