Thanks everyone for the responses so far!  Your suggestions and
encouragement are remarkably helpful to me.  

@sarah:  Thats a good idea about asking the audience.  I will talk to
some designers.   Also, the technology is ASP and we will be using
master pages and modules that encapsulate the layout, the header,
footer, and navigation.  That will help maintain the consistency
across all projects but the actual design work will still be done
individually on each project.

@dorelle:  Forming a team was the first thing I did.  I formed a
working group of about 8 people across the corporation with at least
one from each office (we are split up with about 6 offices).  I need
to get better about documenting our decisions.  Some of them are
simply general agreement, other times there is no agreement and I
must just pick from the available proposed solutions.  I also have a
list of items that I need to user test, if I can find the time... The
standards document is a web document that I maintain, and is
accessible from the intranet.  I also plan on creating a pdf version
when its finished. 

@theresa:  I'd like to get there, but there are many more than a
dozen patterns I think.  We currently have 3 distinct standards in
use because our applications all originated from different companies
because our company grows through acquisitions.  In addition to that,
we have a very diverse audience.  We have apps for the patients, apps
for the doctors, for the payers, even administrative apps that help
setup and maintain our installations.  The scope is really enormous. 
Another confounding factor, is that often our clients will rip off the
header and footer, and just use a portal to show the content as part
some larger site.  

@william:  i agree that a unified interface is a step in the right
direction.  but is a new interface really going to stop designers
from making bad design choices? There will only be a handful of users
that will ever use more than one app because they are used by
different audiences, so I cant rely on a unified interface solving
anything (other than our apps will probably demo better to some

@renato: As others have suggested, using templated screens seems to
be the way to go.  And I planned on breaking it down to the element
level.  I'd love to have drag-and-drop components that they
designers and developers can use, complete with code and all.  But
the task seems just impossibly large.  How do I determine the best
area to focus on?  

Thanks again for your responses,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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