We're getting there!

2 1/2 hours left, we're almost to $15,000.

As of 2:30 GMT, we are at $14,547 and we have 695 contributors.  Those
contributors have been individuals, businesses and other representatives
from other organizations, like our friends at the IAI and UPA.  Let's keep

The IxDA Board has pooled together another round of contributions to
challenge you to match us.  We will match the contributions from now until
the end of the support drive, up to $600. So go ahead, we challenge you.


This is a volunteer organization. Every single person that contributes their
time and energies to IxDA (and there are a lot of you out there) does it
because they think this community is an important one to foster, and that
the mission is worth it.  So many volunteers have also contributed funds on
top of their time.  Thank them when you see them!

Janna DeVylder
President, IxDA
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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