In addition to doing the design in my group, I'm also responsible for most
of the HTML/CSS -- so I'll know immediately if something's not implemented
to spec.

But that fundamental designer-developer chasm remains.  We've developed a
technology called Clickframes that lets me spec out our web apps with a
simple XML syntax.  In addition to my usual visual design work, I define the
full interactivity of the application, and then the developers can generate
their foundational MVC code directly from the Clickframes XML spec.  When
changes to the design occur -- as they always do -- I simply update the
spec, and the developers regenerate the affected portions of their code.
We're always in sync.

I need to be very thorough with the spec, but we've significantly decreased
the number of design-to-development mishaps since implementing Clickframes.

See -- it's still in "preview release" mode, so
we're happy to get as much feedback as possible.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:08 AM, Bryan Minihan <> wrote:

> Two things have always helped to ensure my designs are always
> executable:
> 1.  Make sure the project has a designated front-end developer, and
> be VERY close to that person (or actually BE that person, as I
> prefer).
> 2.  Always be ahead of the development team.  I agree with Brandon
> that if you're constantly behind the development team, they'll
> proceed without you.
> Also, I prefer to build the front-end code for my projects, when
> there is no front-end developer.  I don't believe developers make
> bad designers (I've been both), but I do believe it's very
> difficult to dedicate the right amount and appropriate attention to
> both the back-end and front-end at the same time.
> My favorite projects have been those where the developers handled all
> of the controllers and models, got the info on the page, and left it
> to me to finish the UI.  From discussions with those developers, they
> agreed that not having to worry about the UI was a refreshing change
> of pace for them.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Posted from the new
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