I now understand why I didn't find the control you mentioned - like Kevin, my phone is not locked with a pass code. It does, however, do some sort of locking thing when it falls asleep; a sweep of a thumb unlocks it. The sweep is an unfamiliar motion to me, and so far even in normal circumstances, I frequently botch it. Needing to sweep to unlock is a step that still surprises me, too - just a little addition to the cognitive load that was highly unwelcome last Sunday night.

I'll note that were your unlocking method to pertain to me, it takes out three of the eleven steps I outlined, still making it hard to do what I meant to accomplish. It also doesn't give me what my old phone would give me, which is the assurance of being able to dial before clearly committing to the call.

I'm sorry - I think that ease of learning and ease of use are not completely separable qualities. I think the iPhone is hard to learn, and therefore will remain for me hard to use until I get up to speed with it. Until then, I think I'll stay in brightly lit areas when unaccompanied by a friend.

On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:16 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

On Aug 27, 2009, at 12:00 PM, Jordan, Courtney wrote:

Andrei probably isn't one who worries about being stalked on dark
streets, thus his concept of something being easily usable (once one
knows something exists, where to look and is able to find it) isn't
typical of the female user who would probably more often need this
button (trying to be PC here).

I'm purposefully did not respond to the situation or make value judgements on the scenario. I simply pointed out that the steps listed by Joan were in fact not accurate. I did this in hope that maybe Joan would reassess her scenario and compare apples to apples.

To clarify, if your iPhone is locked (as listed in step #2 of Joan's scenario), in the bottom left corner of the passcode screen is a button that says "Emergency Call." Taping that button goes directly to the iPhone's keypad for making phone calls, where you can type 911 and hit the call button. This bypasses all of the steps Joan listed in her scenario. Now knowing this, the question becomes (for her) I think, whether she still thinks the iPhone is hard to use when compared to other phones.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Joan Vermette
email: jayeff...@mac.com

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