they have strange ways of saying it b/c they have different
constituencies who both inform them and who they speak with
regularly. Their audiences are vastly different and so their focus
needs to be different.

Talk to designers about UCD and they look at you like you're a
fucking idiot who knows nothing about the nearly 2000 years of design
(architecture) that has existed around thinking about and designing
for humans.

Talk to engineers about "pure design" and they look at you as being
naive and frivolous and ego driven.

So, the language is very different because the groups are so

Here at IxDA we are one of the only organizations that are bridging
this gap within the community and these constant arguments is what is
happening here. We purposefully bridge the analytical side of HCI, IA
and Usability with the visceral and aesthetic side of design &
architecture. It's like mixing 2 chemicals in the lab that can
really only do 1 thing: explode!

The explosions create a lot of energy and in this energy we can
harness amazing conversations, insights, and even innovations.

That was my haute way of saying, this is all good!

-- dave

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