"Who are those architects?"

Among others, the one I was referring to at archinect. Many architect
that I know see themselves as artists or philosophers before they seem
themselves as craftsmen. 

I have worked with architects who tried to apply their thinking into
an online context. Wouldn't say it was exactly a success. It's just
two different animals.

"Your characterization of architectural education, and of
architects, does not match my experience or what I've heard
described by others."

Perhaps you can't see the forest for the threes? Perhaps I know
other architects than you. Perhaps you don't see your friends as
being artsy. None the less the issue is there.

So you don't find it telling that the glossy magazines show these
artsy architects if there is no one who thinks like that or are
interested in architecture like that?

"The "artistes"/divas constitute a very small percentage of the
population; most architects I know are looking
to design problems within real-world constraints."

I am sure they do. But the question is still what they see themselves
as. Artist or craftsmen.

"I think less hyperbole would be even better."

How can it be hyberbole by writing "many schools" it is many
schools that have architecture as part of the "faculty of arts"
which obviously will affect how things are taught. 

And it is many architects who think of their field as more art than
craft. That does not mean all do, just that many do and those are the
ones I am referring to.

Claiming that they are few is simply against my experience. Sorry.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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