> Anyone else know of some pre-web-era books related to 
> communication, design, and design-thinking that might
> deserve a fresh look from people today?

How about Design Methods by John Chris Jones, originally published in

"Alongside the old idea of design as the drawing of objects that are
then to be built or manufactured there are many new ideas of what it
is, all very different:

    * designing as the process of devising not individual products
but whole systems or environments such as airports, transportation,
hypermarkets, educational curricula, broadcasting schedules, welfare
schemes, banking systems, computer networks;
    * design as participation, the involvement of the public in the
decision-making process;
    * design as creativity, which is supposed to be potentially
present in everyone;
    * design as an educational discipline that unites arts and
science and perhaps can go further than either;
    * and now the idea of designing Without a Product, as a process
or way of living in itself."

Design Methods first evaluates traditional methods such as
design-by-drawing and shows how they do not adequately address the
complexity of demands upon today%u2019s designer. The book then
provides 35 new methods that have been developed to assist designers
and planners to become more sensitive to user needs. These methods
move beyond a focus on the product to the thought that precedes it.
Throughout, the book%u2019s emphasis on integrating creative and
rational skills directs readers away from narrow specialization to a
broader view of design."


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