I just came out of the Agile World Conference here in Toronto.
There is a push to reduce documentation in the Agile Philosophy, BUT
documentation when it is available, the developers appreciate it,
they make comments like, I don't have to guess, thank you, keep it
up, we found that there is less rework.

I investigate the problems, (interview users and subject matter
experts) create mid quality wire frames for all to review, (static
prototypes) and when all agree to move forward we need to at least
define the interactions by creating a (Blue Print). 

There has to be a middle ground, 0 docs I can't agree with. Small
deliverable (docs) along side each component, OK

But there is something we seem to be forgetting, when you loose a
developer that has the knowledge, they take that knowledge with them,
and when you hire someone new, it's always the same story, the ramp
up takes to long, new mistakes and new ideas are introduced that WILL
prolong the projects ability to deliver on time. 

Documentation is a great way to pass on knowledge. 

I am guessing non of you are actually suggesting to go and develop a
(Trading system)  (Online Banking System) (Reporting System) with no

All I can say is Good luck, Agile methodology and core principles,
are communication. And some companies may need more docs than others.
It all depends. 

This is starting to sound like the old argument about Design VS
usability, Interesting :-) 
Good luck

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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