Thank you Michael and Dave for your replies...

Today I was attending a lecture session by Adam Greenfield about
"Elements of a Networked Urbanism". The ideas he was showing us
were great, cities with great level of intelligence which could be
our future cities but still I've found the same struggle within my
mind and I would like to share it with you,here it is.." during late
80's and 90's medias started to create a new future for human beings
with lots of movies and comic books and stories, A future in which
every single object has its own intelligence and they try to show
that life would be so much easier in near future and put this concept
in mind of every child during those years. 
Now we found out that those utopias that we have created on those
days have tons of side effects which at the time of their creation we
were not aware of them or they were not so important as today. Now we
start to think about finding the way to solve those problems ( side
effects) .
The good part is we actually looking for a way to solve these
problems but the dangerous part is that we still use new technologies
to solve our problems without concerning about its future side effects
which we may cause for next generation...let me give an example:

we created a mp3 player which every individual can listen to the
music she/he wants.after years we are facing a group of people which
all of them wearing headphones and stand side by side of each other
on queues without even thinking about the other persons that are by
her/his side (iPod life Style)..after few years Psychological studies
reveals that we are facing a new problem " People become lonely "
and this cause lots of social problems. Then we start to solve these
new emerged problems by offer people new devices which instead of
only playing music , help them to communicate with other people
around them via Blue tooth or WiFi connections.
But there is  nobody to tell us hey..the only thing that these people
really needs is face to face communication with other people just like
the things that they had before we changed their life Style.

I'm Wondering How can we address these Needs and How we can come up
with new ideas that in future would not cause of these problems?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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