As I was saying in a side conversation with Susan, in better news: the
market for independent (contract) UXDers seems to be revivifying,
finally. I've had several good conversations in the last month with
recruiters for positions and pay scales that are in line with my
interests and my experience. So perhaps that particular drought is at
an end.

I think it will take at least another six months for the
full-time/perm market to catch up. People's budgets simply aren't
there yet, even if their needs are.


On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 3:45 PM, j. eric townsend <> wrote:
> Anne Hjortshoj wrote:
>> So in other words, people want to pay for 1-3 years of experience, but
>> they want to get a laundry list of massive skillz.
> That's what my wife has been running into lately.   Job openings for someone
> with 2-5 years of experience but with a list of requirements she still
> doesn't have after ~20 years as a designer and IA.
> --
> J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
> Design, Fabrication, Hacking
> design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
> PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

Anne Hjortshoj | | | Skype: anne-hj |
Hjortshoj is pronounced "YORT-soy."
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