ibiblio has been a GRASS mirror for years and is happy to help this
community.  I'm working on a project developing a large file
publishing platform.  One of our target areas is research data sets,
which includes geospacial data.  For example, we have a data set
designed for teaching computer forensics classes that's around a

My questions for the group are...

* Do you move around large data sets, let's say 1 GB to 1 TB in size?
* What tools do you use, and how easy are they to use?
* Our project, terasaur, uses BitTorrent.  Have you used BitTorrent to
share data with colleagues?

Since ibiblio is part of UNC Chapel Hill, I'm particularly curious
about those of you in science research and education.  Our project is
general-purpose, though, so it's not limited to edu.

Many thanks,


John Reuning
Technical Director
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