Interesting problem - however I should direct you away from geotools-devel
(which is focused on making great software) and towards either our users
list (how to use GeoTools) or (generally questions).

The OSGeo foundation offers a list of service providers here: if you wish to look for help in your
neck of the woods.

I am not sure that the Google Earth / Bing maps would have the detail you
require (you may need to check their license terms to ensure a solution
built on their technology would be cost effective). That said they are a
good resource for your second point - that of geocoding (i.e. property
address or GPS coordinate).

I have seen similar calculations does based on digital elevation module,
you can identify what direction a property is facing for identification of
an appropriate crop. I am not aware of a data provider that provides
elevation data roof by roof in order to determine slope.

There are a couple of advances though, the US cleared higher resolution
imagery for domestic use - perhaps the rest of the world will as well? And
there is a rise of small satellite providers who may be able to step in
with data products of appropriate detail.

Jody Garnett

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:25 PM, S.A. Mouti <> wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I would like to develop an algorithm that uses remote geographic sensing
> data to automatically identify, highlight, and measure rooftops and
> buildings surfaces and contours using satellite imagery. Our preference
> is to utilize the existing  map providers such as Google Earth/maps or Bing
> .
>  My aim is to get the following outputs from the proposed model:
>    - Accurately highlighted and identified rooftops on Google maps (using
>    geo sensing data, elevation? and
>    - Property Address or GPS coordinate.
>    - Surface and square footage available for solar power generation
>    including the position of the property(N-S or E-W). At the exact surface of
>    the south facing portion of the roof.
>    - Integrate sun tool in google maps to calculate shading for each
>    building.
>    - Total surface/square footage of the roof.
> I would appreciate your guidance on the following:
>    - Any individual developers or companies active in this area who would
>    be willing to undertake this challenge
>    - View on technical do-ability of the project
>    - What data is needed to build the model and who the providers are?
>    (Google APIs?)
>    - An idea about the overall cost  for such a model.
> Thank you
> Sid
> 713 992 6314
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