An interface proposal for the original question, a way of playing a song
without adding it to the playlist:

1. Press and hold "Play" on the remote to pause the current playlist
(if anything is playing) and play ("preview") the selected song without
adding it to the Now Playing playlist.

2. Press "Add" to stop the previewed song and add it to the end of the
Now Playing playlist. Press "Pause" on the remote during a preview to
stop the song and jump back to whatever you were doing before the

3. Add a "preview" button to the web interface to do the same thing as
#1 above.

Reasonably intuitive, and not something you would happen upon without
knowing it's there (avoiding new user confusion).

Gdg, is that what you are looking for? I actually think it's not a bad
idea. I build all my playlists in itunes, but I might use SS instead if
this feature were in there. In itunes, I play a song to decide if I want
to use it, then drag it to the playlist if I do. This kind of does the
same thing.

The bad news is that I have no idea whether this is even technically
feasible in the software architecture, nor do I have the skills to
implement it if it is.

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