SilverRS8;503027 Wrote: 
> You have a PM with a link to test the fix for sorting the Various Artist
> albums.
> Let me know is this is working as it should....
> Frank
Unfortunately it is working the same as before, nothing changed.

By the way:
AAC counts 1615 albums, 21904 tracks
SBS counts 1615 albums, 21984 tracks
Almost the same :), but a little strange.


*Squeezebox*: 3 Classic
*SSODS*: 4.2
*SqueezeboxServer*: 7.5.0 - r29584 (Beta)
*Plugins*: Album Review 2.9.0; Biography 2.9.0; Custom Browse 2.10;
Custom Scan 2.7.4; Trackstat 2.10
*NAS*: Synology DS107+ DSM 2.2-0959
*Tag*: MusicBrainz 0.12; Mp3tag v2.45a
*Windows Frontend*: Moose 072
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