But it very well could be interference...

If you have something like this (pardon bad ascii art):

AP-|     |-SB     |-Laptop

That doesn't mean that an interference pattern 'between' the AP and the
SB will interfere with the laptop.  The pattern may be from a phone
sitting near the SB, making everything the SB receives look like junk..
but 5' away in either direction (at the laptop and AP), the problem may
be undetectable.

Add in that certain chipset combinations are going to behave
differently when they see junk (assuming they see it: the
discrimination on a given chipset may be higher or lower... and the
noise on a low-discrimination chipset may actually be -less- than on a
high depending on how centered the noise is).  RF gets very messy very

What you describe sounds -exactly- like RF interference, including
packet retransmits and perhaps radio retrains on the longer outages.

Have you tried switching channels on your router?

I have a hard time believing it's a problem in the TCP/IP stack: a lot
more people would be seeing it if that were the case.  There's lots of
people with exactly the same firmware on their SB and exactly the same
OS as you... so the question is, "what is different about your setup?" 
ie, why are -you- seeing this problem and I'm not?

Perhaps it's a flaky reciever in your SB.  Perhaps it's a loose antenna
connection in it.  Or it's some outside RF problem from a cordless phone
or neighbor.  Or even the a heating duct in the wall between the AP and
the SB is deflecting signals around.

But the probability says it's going to be something "wrong" with the
RF, not the software in the TCP/IP stack or a LOT more people would be
seeing the problem.

Because things like fixing a bad receiver or loose antenna connection
are complex, it's best to try the easiest thing first.  If it works,
problem solved.  If not, you spent a minute to get a slightly better

I believe there's software that will record signal quality and things
like retransmits.  (Remember, even UDP packets on a wireless link get
some protection -- the receiving radio has to send a "yes I got that"
packet or the sender must assume that there was a collision and
retransmit it....  a lot of retransmits means you are losing data
somewhere.)  You may want to see if you can get that on your laptop and
see if there's something odd going on with your network.  Is the SB not
seeing the packets and not acknowledging them?  Is the AP not seeing

That's all complex stuff, though.. I would certainly try to change the
channel on the router first.

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