scottmd1;206676 Wrote: 
> Hey all, 
> I was over at my folks house this past weekend and they have a problem
> I could not figure out.  They have a SB2 that has been operation
> flawlessly for a year.  I have the SB hooked directly to an old PC of
> mine that locked up on them while there were out of town for a few
> months.
> I rebooted the PC and everything seemed fine.  They reported that when
> you browse "artist/genre/album" it says "empty"...and indeed it does.
> The odd part is, if you browse the music folder, all of the music is
> there and it works fine!
> I uninstalled the software, re-installed it and have the same issue.  
> Oh, and when you play something using the browse/music folder way, it
> will then show up in the "artist/album/genere" area of browse.
> I have "clear and rescan" about 100 times.....
> All of the files are .flac files...
> Any ideas or suggestions?

Have you tried to Nuke the prefs file and then do a rescan? Stop
SlimServer and then delete the SlimServer.pref file (c:\program
files\slimserver\server\) and delete the cache folder (c:\program
files\slimserver\cache). After they are deleted, restart SlimServer and
do another Clear Library and Rescan Everything.

Anoop M.
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