I hope this helps... but I just started developing this same issue over
the weekend.  The squeezebox would all of a sudden stop playing right
in the middle of a shuffled selection of MP3s or internet radio. 
Sometimes the squeezebox would continue playing, but the display would
go completely black.  I hit the power button, and it would say "Waking
Up SlimServer"... and it'd start working again.  Other times, the unit
would just shut off and stop playing immediately eventhough there was a
full buffer of music.  Other times, it would continue playing as the
buffer slowly but surely depleted itself and stopped playing.  I would
need to physically hit the play button, and it would continue right
away, where it left off.  Then even other times, it would stop for
15-30secs (sometimes longer), then continue playing again by itself
after a while.  If I reset my wireless switch, things would start
working again for a little while.  This was starting to drive me nuts
thinking either my wireless switch went bad, or that my squeezebox
started going bad.  

I ended up determining that this was all actually due to an IP conflict
on my network.  Another workstation (which hadn't been on for about 2
years) was getting booted up and had the same static IP as my
squeezebox.  Once I set that machine to start using a different IP, I
had absolutely no problems with the squeezebox any longer. 
Unfortunately, the squeezebox didn't display any sort of "ip address
conflict" message -- that would have been very handy!  :(  I invite
those of you who are experiencing this issue to make absolutely, doubly
sure there aren't any IP address conflicts going on with your
squeezebox, and make sure it's got a unique static IP...

Take care,

vnvjeep's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13231
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