My father teaches Computing at a private school in the UK, and I've been up 
there to do a number of lessons with his classes. None of them have been 
officially SWC, but they've covered very similar ground - although a bit less 
practical than I'd have liked.

I've been introduced as "a real-world programmer" (!) and have talked about how 
to design larger pieces of code (eg. for their A-Level coursework), splitting 
things up into functions effectively, testing effectively, good code structure, 
variable naming and those sorts of things.

I've mentioned version control, but have yet to persuade my Dad to let me teach 
a lesson or two on it and get them to use it for their coursework...I think 
it'd really help though!

Generally it has gone down very well with the students: they've appreciated 
someone from outside coming in and showing them how things like this actually 
help with real-world coding - and apparently it has helped quite a lot with 
their coursework.



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