
It would be much appreciated if you would fill out this survey meant to measure 
the efficacy of Software Carpentry workshops.



Calling all Software Carpentry workshop attendees!

I’d like 10 minutes of your time to complete a survey 
 about the Software Carpentry workshop you attended.

Why should you bother?

The data will be useful for Software Carpentry in the future planning of 

While individual Software Carpentry workshops are assessed at the time of 
delivery, no long term follow-up study has been done on the efficacy of the 
training delivered, nor of any impact the training might have had on attendees’ 
work practices, further skills acquisition, or subsequent career paths.

I am now proposing to do that follow-up for an MPhil project at The University 
of Queensland 
 entitled “The Efficacy and Usefulness of Software Carpentry Training”.

The survey 
 is the first phase of a two-phase study.

All Software Carpentry workshop attendees are invited to complete it. It should 
take no more than 10 minutes to answer.

It will capture information about workshops as well as demographic information 
(confidentiality is assured, and people don’t have to identify themselves if 
they don’t want to). Space is provided for attendees to write at length (if 
they want to) about their experiences, both good and bad.

The second phase will involve in-depth interviews with people prepared to talk 
further about their experiences of Software Carpentry training. If that is you, 
I would love to hear from you. You can contact me directly at thesiscarpentry 
AT gmail.com

Thank you in advance !

About me

I am a certified Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructor, based in 
Brisbane Australia. I was recently elected to the Software Carpentry Steering 
Committee, and have served on the Mentorship Committee. I am really hoping this 
research will provide useful insights into what Software Carpentry does well, 
and where it could improve. I tweet as cloudaus 

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