Hi my name is Andrew, I just have a few questions which I could not quite
find on the web site. 

I understand that you are very busy, I am doing a report on your project and
need some more information (if this is the wrong email address to send this
to, could you please direct it to the right source):



1) Does the project have formal requirements processes?  If so can you
please describe the process (eg how they are added, removed, who decides
which requirements get developed and which do not, how are requirements



2) Your project is extremely successful (more than most commercial
projects). What would you say are the key factors for the success of your



3) How can I contribute code to the project? (what is the process)



4) what is the organizational structure of the organization? (is everyone
volunteer?, who is the leader? Ect)


Thank you very much for you time.



Andrew :-)


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