With absolutely no intention of smearing any real individual named Vladimir, what guarantee does anyone not knowing him personally that he's an honest (or even real, for that matter) person who really locked himself out of his own document, seeking to get back into it?

We can't afford to be that gullible in 2008.

The post came from "Vladimir" whose email address bore a different name as its comment, "istvan pecaros", and whose actual email address was "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". If you are a real guy, Vladimir, seeking answers to an honestly stated dilemma, I'd suggest using your own email account. And I'd suggest to my listmates to practice as much care in answering such posts as they would want someone else to practice if a passworded document of their own might have fallen into someone else's hands.

I'm not trying to be cynical, just practical, and in spite of my above criticism I applaud the helpfulness of all who answered Vladimir.


(Ilyse Kazar
CEO, Datatude Ltd. <http://www.datatude.net>,
using my "kazar" 'net handle,
posting via the account I use for tech lists)

On 09-10-2008 11:32 AM, Twayne wrote:
Has anyone seen the below post from Vladimir about OOo passwords?
First of all, i want to tell you how i am am satisfied with you software
xD I have a problem: i have some documents that i usually save with
passwords... I've newer try this, but i've tried - save document (with
password) using "File>Save" (not "Save As"). Document was saved but with
(i think) random password... It is not my password that i usually use
(it is WERAT)... Now: is there some way to restore the document? Please
help me if u can... I've tryed "password recovery" software, but it is
shareware & i can't see full password.. Is there a "free" way to figure
it out? Document is VERY VERY important to me  Thanks & best regards,

I'm trying to figure out how that could have happened to him.  How/Why
was it able to save a password without him providing the password to it?
I realize the OS is capable of encryption without providing the password
each time since it's account based, quite often, but how would OOo do
that?  Does it have a similar arrangment I'm not aware of?
  Is three a bug that could prevent the password dialng from appearing?
  I don't see how you could miss it, unless power were interrupted or
something.  I can't close out the window or do anything until I give it
the password in 2.4.1 on XP Pro.

Thanks for assisting with my curiousity,


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