On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:33:01AM +1000 or thereabouts, Martin Pool wrote:
> On  3 Sep 2004, Frerich Raabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > one feature which icecream[1], a distributed compilation setup developed by
> > a few KDE folks, provides - and which I would really like to see in
> > distcc - is the concept of 'environments'.
> What is up with these people?  Why fork rather than cooperating?

I don't know that, I'm only working on the monitor for it. :-)

What I do know is that icecream uses a distribution concept which is
fundamentally different from what distcc does. icecream uses a central
scheduler, which is responsible for keeping track of nodes, and dispatching
work to them. I suspect this scales better for large clusters (say, more than
ten nodes).

- Frerich

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