hello, i am writting a basic form using
'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object',  dict(info_dict,
post_save_redirect="/recette/") ).

It works all fine in my template ( http://django.pastebin.com/536725 )
until i decide to show errors,
Allr eferences to {{ form.error_dict }} works perfectly it show me the
dictionary with the recquired fiedls.
However {{ form.errors }} is empty.

{% for e in errors.items %}
        {{ e }}<li>Field "{{ e.0 }}": {{ e.1|join:", " }}</li>
{% endfor %}

doesn't show me the errors.

maybe i should use {% for e in form.error_dic.item %} > ? but i read
that the good way was to use {{ form.errors }}.

Any thought ?
thank you

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