Read about autocommit.

Siah wrote:
> I just launched my django site for a client.  My problem is something
> is caching my db data in a bizzar way.  Here are some of the behaviours
> I get:
> - I login, and every other page it makes me login again for a 5 minutes
> or so and then it remembers that I am logged in.
> - I add a record, it reflects it to the site in close to 5 minutes from
> now
> - Every other DB related change takes some time to reflect
> My temporary domain is (a #  # a# r #m # i #n   d o t    ##c o# m).
> Please remove (#, space, and replace dot with .). To see this for
> yourself login to the site by going to /admin/ with username and
> password: django 
> Thanks, 
> Sia 
> ps. django rocks

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