nkeric wrote:

>I guess I need to build the 'queryset' of the article_list_dict
>dynamically as something like
>this: Article.object.filter(category__id__exact=<category_id>) rather
>than Article.objects.all().
>Is it possible?
No it's currently not possible. There are two workarounds though.

1. You can use an object_detail view for category object

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        {'queryset': Category.objects.all()),

... and get an article list in template:

    {% for article in object.article_set.all %}
      {{ article }}<br>
    {% endfor %}

The downside of this approach is that you can't have pagination that 
object_list view can provide.

2. If you need a pagination you can create your own simple generic view 
wrapping Django's object_list that adds some filters to the queryset:

    def filtered_list(request, object_id, filter_field, *args, **kwargs):
      lookup = {'%s__exact' % filter_field: object_id}
      kwargs['queryset'] = kwargs['queryset'].filter(**lookup)
      return object_list(request, *args, **kwargs)

... and use it in your urlconf like this:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        {'queryset': Article.objects.all(), 'filter_field': 'category_id'),

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