Following up on my own question to help future googlers of this problem.  It turns out there is a bug open on this already, .  The problem is that the do_html2python method replaces all the empty values with None, effectively blowing away any chance of the default values to ever make it into the database.

The ticket open has a patch to it, but I found a simpler solution, although very ugly, which is to override the model's save method:

    def save(self):
for field in self._meta.fields:
# Add in the default values
if not getattr(self,
setattr(self,, field.get_default())

super(User, self).save()
I really don't like this solution, but it works, and does not require any changes/patches to the django libraries.


On 6/21/06, Jamie Scheinblum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having trouble with default values in my model.  I've tried to establish what the default for a column should be when the input doesn't supply a value.  The model defaults seem to work fine when using django's python shell, but when I use either the admin interface or my own view, the defaults never make it into the database.  Is this a sqlite3 limitation?  Do the defaults not get carried over when using AddManipulator?

Thanks in advance!

Here is my model:

class User(models.Model):
    email_address   = models.EmailField()
    password        = PasswordField(maxlength=8)
    nickname        = models.CharField

    verified        = models.BooleanField("user verified", default=False)
    tz              = models.IntegerField("timezone", default=8,
    type            = models.CharField(maxlength=1, default=TYPE_REGULAR,

    class Admin:

    def __str__(self):
        return self.email_address

and the view that I'm using

def signup(request):
    manipulator = User.AddManipulator()
    if request.POST:
        # If data was POSTed, we're trying to create a new object.
        new_data = request.POST.copy()
        # Check for errors.
        errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
        if not errors:
            # No errors. This means we can save the data!
            new_object =
            # Redirect to the object's "edit" page. Always use a redirect
            # after POST data, so that reloads don't accidently create
            # duplicate entires, and so users don't see the confusing
            # "Repost POST data?" alert box in their browsers.
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/people/sign-in/welcome")
        # No POST, so we want a brand new form without any data or errors.
        errors = new_data = {}
    # Create the FormWrapper, template, context, response.
    form = forms.FormWrapper (manipulator, new_data, errors)
    return render_to_response(request, 'people/signup.html', {'form': form})

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