Does everyone code the html and css by hand for their templates? That seems very time consuming and tedious.

Desktop apps have the same issues with variations of languages, fonts, etc. and resizing and the layout containers and other widgets provide for dynamic changes. GUI builders make it easy to create the views from the basic widgets without having to program a lot of low level code. Are you saying there isn't an equivalent type of development tool in the web design space?



On 04/21/2010 03:10 PM, andres osinski wrote:
No, and it's not a good idea to do WYSIWYG development for HTML. HTML is not a format that produces static content; it varies depending on screen fonts, browser, and platform, and getting that right means sticking to relative layout, making content flow, and taking care of quirks. WYSIWYG editors don't do any of that. and the quality of their output is dubious at best. Taking the time to produce sane HTML and CSS is a must for web development, but it's not that difficult a task and the knowledge to do it can be learned in a few days.


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:28 PM, John Finlay < <>> wrote:

    I'm just getting started with django coming from a background of
    developing desktop apps on *nix. Is there something equivalent to
    a GUI builder for django?

    Alternatively, is there a good WYSIWYG html editor that produces
    editable html so I could quickly create a template and then
    retrofit it with django template tags?



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