Hi all

I want to annotate a qs with a computed field from one of its current
fields, and then filter on the annotated field. I cannot work out how
I'm supposed to do this in the ORM (or even if I can).

Basically, I have a model with a username field, that in this case
contains an email address. I want to extract the domain of that email
address, and then filter the queryset based upon the value of the

So, in code:

domains = UsageLogEntry.objects \
  .annotate(domain=...) \
  .exclude(domain='').values_list('domain', flat=True)

Im clueless about what to put in annotate().

In 1.0.x, I used a horrific hack with extra(), that has stopped
working with 1.2:

  domains = UsageLogEntry.objects \
               sub_action=SUB_ACTION_DOMAIN_DISALLOWED) \
          select={ 'domain': 'SUBSTRING(username, LOCATE("@", username)+1)' },
          # XXX hacks ahoy - this makes the where clause look like
          #    WHERE ... AND 1 HAVING `domain` != ''
          where=[ "1 HAVING `domain` != ''", ],
         ) \
      .order_by('domain') \
      .values_list('domain', flat=True)

This is because (I think) in 1.0.x, the where clause was bare, and in
1.2 it is enclosed by braces, which makes my hacky insertion of a
having clause illegal syntax.

Thanks for any pointers


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