Excellent, thanks Ian.  It works a treat, post updated.


> On Aug 19, 11:58 am, Tim Sawyer <list.dja...@calidris.co.uk> wrote:
>> No, I don't think you're mistaken, especially if you want to use hints.
>> I tried this code again today with the django database connection (using
>> 1.2 final), and it didn't work.  This only works with cx_Oracle
>> connections.
>> Seehttp://drumcoder.co.uk/blog/2010/apr/23/output-parameters-cx_oracle-a...
> There are several reasons why that snippet doesn't work:
> 1) Django cursors don't support passing in the bind parameters in a
> dictionary.  A sequence type is expected.
> 2) Django cursors use the '%s' syntax for placeholders, not the ':out'
> syntax.
> 3) The oracle backend automatically trims a trailing semi-colon from
> all queries, because its presence causes ordinary queries to fail.  To
> prevent it from being trimmed, add some whitespace after the semi-
> colon, or add a trailing '/' as in sqlplus if you prefer.
> Correcting these three issues, the snippet works as expected in 1.2.
> On Aug 19, 12:14 pm, buddhasystem <potek...@bnl.gov> wrote:
>> I'm 90% sure that you can't get the cx cursor out of Django connection.
>> These are similar but different classes. I tried something like that.
> It works like this:
> from django.db import connection
> django_cursor = connection.cursor()
> cx_cursor = django_cursor.cursor
> This is internal API, so it could change in the future.
> On Aug 18, 2:58 pm, buddhasystem <potek...@bnl.gov> wrote:
>> However, both "my" and yours solution suffer from the same defect imho
>> --
>> that the ORM machinery of Django is unusable. We are back to manual
>> mapping
>> of rows onto objects... Or -- am I mistaken?
> The raw query mechanism will do the ORM mapping as long as you match
> up the column names correctly when writing the query.  The problem
> with that is that you can't use cursor.var() directly, because you
> don't have direct access to the particular cursor used to run the
> query.
> There is some more internal API that may help with this.  You can pass
> in as a bind parameter an object that has a "bind_parameter" method
> with the signature "def bind_parameter(self, cursor)".  When the
> statement is executed, the cursor will call that method, which is
> expected to return the actual bind variable, and substitute the bind
> variable for the object.
> For an example, have a look at the "InsertIdVar" class in django/db/
> backends/oracle/base.py, which is used within the "RETURNING INTO"
> clause of an insert statement to receive the primary key of the
> inserted object.
> Hope this helps,
> Ian
> --
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