HBTaylor wrote:
> I'm not sure about your models, but I assume it is something like the
> following:
> from django.db import models
> class Holding(models.Model):
>     symbol = models.CharField(maxlength=10)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return self.symbol
>     def _get_latest_price(self):
>         return self.price_set.all()[0]
>     get_latest_price = property(_get_latest_price)
>     class Admin:
>         pass
> class Price(models.Model):
>     holding = models.ForeignKey(Holding)
>     price = models.FloatField(max_digits=6,decimal_places=2)
>     pdate = models.DateField()
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "%s - %s - %s" %
> (self.holding.symbol,self.pdate,self.price)
>     class Admin:
>         pass
>     class Meta:
>         ordering = ("-pdate",)
> For it, I've added ordering to the Meta for Price, so it always returns
> the prices in descending order of date. At that point, the
> event_set.all()[0] for a given Holding will give its latest price. I
> added a _get_latest_price() convenience method (and made it a property)
> just for giggles, but that should allow you to do use something like
> myholding.get_latest_price.price (as well as accessing the date) for a
> holding of your choice.
> Will that do the trick?
> By the way, it seems like having the symbol in your Price model would
> be redundant, since you can use myprice.holding.symbol to get the
> symbol if you are listing (for example) all of the prices for a given
> day.
> H.B.

WOW!  Awesome, that looks great, and was just leading into my other

I am stil new to Python and Django, so putting the OO stuff to it all
is a little overwhelming.

Thanks so much HB


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