Hi Jon,

On 8/15/06, Jon Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm dabbling with generic views (thanks to wise advice from others on
> this list), and I'm trying to convert one of my slightly more
> complicated views to use a generic view. The vie itself is a simple
> list, but my queryset is generated as follows:
> Item.objects.filter(feed__feedtype__feedtype__iexact=re.sub('(s$|S$)',
> '', feedtype)).order_by('-time')
> What I'm trying to achieve here is not locking users into a certain
> URL scheme - for the feedtype, I want uses to be able to specify
> '/link', '/links', '/LINKS', and any combination thereof, hence the
> regular expression which removes the trailing 's' from the request and
> performs the case-insensitive query. This works fine when I use it in
> a traditional view.
> Now that I'm trying to use generic views (to avoid doing some ugly
> pagination by hand), my urls.py line is as follows:
> (r'^/?(?P<feedtype>\w+)/$',
> 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', {'queryset':
> Item.objects.filter(feed__feedtype__feedtype__iexact=re.sub('(s$|S$)',
> '', feedtype)).order_by('-time'), 'paginate_by': 15, 'extra_context':
> {'is_first_page': True}}),
> However, the error which I get is as follows:
> NameError at /photo/
> name 'feedtype' is not defined
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:    http://localhost:8000/photo/
> Exception Type: NameError
> Exception Value:        name 'feedtype' is not defined
> I'm guessing that this is being caused by the regular expression
> evaluation not seeing that 'feedtype' exists - is there a way to solve
> this or will I have to use a standard view for this particular action?

Do you really need the RE in the query? I think the problem is that
the re call is being evaluated immediately, which the query is lazily
evaluated. Would the "iexact" not work without the regular expression?

If you do end up needing the RE, you could try using a custom manager
on your feeds model. Specifically, you could create a custom manager
method which filters based on the regular expression, then pass that
the captured feedtype from the URL.

See http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model_api/#managers for
details of custom managers and adding methods to them.


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