Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately that hasn't helped - on
further investigation I think the problem is somewhere else, as the
original RegistrationForm class instance (in registration.forms)
doesn't seem to be being called correctly by registration.views (so no
wonder RegistrationFormTermsOfService isn't working!). I tried making
some small changes to the labels in the RegistrationForm class and it
is still displaying the default label values in my template. For
example, the class declaration now looks like:

 class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
     # all the other fields
     # ...
     password1 =
                                label=_(u'different password label'))

In registration.views I've imported the form as follows

 from registration.forms import RegistrationForm

And used the default view declaration:

 def register(request, success_url=None,
             form_class=RegistrationForm, profile_callback=None,
    if request.method == 'POST':
       # do post stuff
       # instantiate blank form
        form = form_class()

Finally, on the registration_form.html template I've tried calling the
fields explicitly rather than using the form.as_table tag:

                  <td>{{ form.password1.label_tag }}</td>
                  <td>{{ form.password1 }}</td>

The page displays these fields fine, yet the label still gives the
default label value of 'password' instead of 'different password
label'. I'm not getting any syntax errors, and I've rebooted my server
for good measure with the same results. Therefore I assume that either
form = form_class() isn't actually instantiating RegistrationForm
properly in the view, or there is some sort of overriding default
being called from a different location (maybe django.contrib.auth?).

Also - I can't see the form_call field that you mention - does this
refer to the parameter 'form_class=RegistrationForm' I've used above
in my registration view?

Thanks again!

On Jul 8, 7:08 am, CareerDhaba tech <> wrote:
> Hi Kat,
> You have to tell the your registration view to use the
> RegistrationFormTermsofService. First, import that class from forms and
> change your form_call from None to to RegistrationFormTermsofService.
> Hope this helps.
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 5:34 PM, katstevens <> wrote:
> > Hi - I'm new to Django and am using django-registration to set up new
> > users.
> > The basic RegistrationForm shows up fine in my template (which just
> > uses {{ form.as_table }} to generate fields inside the form HTML), but
> > I now want to use the RegistrationFormTermsOfService subclass instead.
> > I set it as a parameter in as follows:
> >                       url(r'^register/$',
> >                           register,
> >                           {'form_class':
> > RegistrationFormTermsOfService},
> >                           name='registration_register'),
> > ... but the original RegistrationForm is still showing instead. Any
> > ideas why this would be? Do I have to remove the default 'form_class'
> > value in the register declaration in (as that still gives
> > RegistrationForm as the default)? Or do I need to alter my template?
> > I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious - any help gratefully
> > received.
> > Kat
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