hi there,
I wanna build a user portal for my website. When a user log in, it can
modify it's profile in this portal. I have already followed "https://
docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/auth/" and created a class named
UserProfile with "AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'xxxxxxxx.UserProfile' in
settings.py. I also added
def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
        if created:
                UserProfile.objects.create(user = instance)

post_save.connect(create_user_profile, sender = user)
at the end of models.py.
But this script cannot work well. When I add a user in admin site, a
error would raise with
IntegrityError at /admin/auth/user/add/

column User_id is not unique

Request Method:         POST
Request URL:    http://localhost:8000/admin/auth/user/add/
Django Version:         1.3.1
Exception Type:         IntegrityError
Exception Value:

column User_id is not unique

Exception Location:     /home/bear/work/django/djangoenv/lib/python2.7/
base.py in execute, line 234
Python Executable:      /home/bear/work/django/djangoenv/bin/python
Python Version:         2.7.2
Python Path:


Server time:    Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:16:02 +0800

BTW: I wanna make a user portal which allow users to modify their
profiles by themselves. Can I use Admin Site to do this? Or I have to
write a brand-new web page for this? Thanks.

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